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Clanwar details
Date: 14.06.2010 23:00h
Team: Mario Kart Wii - Nferno.MKWii
Opponent: Dash - Dash Team
League: -
Type: -
XonX: 4on4
Maps: -
Server: -
Admin(s): NFO Toasty
Nferno.MKWii Dash - Dash Team
Points: 313249
Lineup: Boshi
Emeth aka Holzconnection

GP1: 109:77 (+15 Emeth)

GP2: 104:84 (GP2 Rennen 5 1-3 Dash, 4-7 NFO, 8 Dash)

GP3: 100:88



GP1 - Mirror
- DK Snowboard Cross

- N64 Bowsers Castle
- SNES Ghost Valley 2

- Toads Factory

GP2 - Mirror/150 ccm
- GCN DK Mountain

- N64 Sherbet Land
- Rainbow Road
- Dry Dry Ruins

GP3 - Mirror
- N64 DK's Jungle Parkway
- Bowsers Castle
- GBA Bowsers Castle 3

- Grumble Vulcano

Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3

Comments Site: « 1 2 »
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